Insurance Inspection Services

4 Point Inspection
Wind Mitigation Inspection
A 4 point inspection looks at the 4 major systems outlined below. An insurance company wants to know that the home has been well maintained, and the major systems are in good working condition.
Electrical system
Plumbing system
During a 4 point inspection, we will determine the general condition of each point so that this information can be given to the insurance company. A 4 point inspection is required generally on homes over 10 yrs old, but several carriers are requiring a 4 point inspection on any age of the home.
See the required form here:
4PT form
During a Wind Mitigation Inspection, we will inspect the home for signs of hurricane protection. Usually, a wind mitigation inspection is requested by the insurance carriers to determine which credit(s) apply to a home. Homeowners may receive substantial insurance discounts for outfitting their homes with windstorm mitigation features that withstand or are hurricane resistant. According to the Florida Division of Emergency Management, 15% - 70% of home insurance premiums in Florida can be attributed to wind-damage risk. While there is an upfront cost involved, outfitting your home with wind mitigation features can result in significant long-term savings. During a wind mitigation inspection, a certified inspector looks for key features and add-ons that reduce the amount of damage your home may suffer in the event of a hurricane or strong windstorm. These features might include, Impact doors & windows, hurricane panels, accordions shutters, etc. See the required form here:
Wind Mitigation 1802 form

Roof Certification Inspection
During a Roof Certification Inspection, we inspect the roof to determine its age and what condition it is in. This information can help you decide which aspects of your roof may need to be updated, and it will allow insurance companies to know the estimated lifespan of the roof and the risk it may have for the insurance company. See the required form here:
Roof Certification form